Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A Million people

I remember when it was such a nice small city.. Easy to get around, No Big city BS, You could understand your neighbours. Build it and they will come.. Did they ever ...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

With summer coming closer to being just memories, the leaves falling from their yearly task. School bells are ringing and gardens are giving up there annual bounty. It seems that things are as they should be.

Friday, September 15, 2006

One young life not yet close to being in it's prime. Others in a state of desperation as they fight to stay with the living.. Where could this young mans
mind have been convinced to commit these attrocities. Their has to be answers.
Those who have them owe it to him and those he affected for all of us to try and understand, and maybe remove the anguish and disgust we all feel. LIfe will go on, but the world is now a more sombre place,especially when tragedys such as these occur.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Jack and his Ilk

So I,m listening to the news and Jack Layton and his band of social ( it's a pretty world today) misfits are going to make Canada a better place?? Jack wants to negotiate with the taliban in Afghanistan.. Remember that video that was going around ,,, you know,, The one where the woman wearing the burka is on her knees in the unused soccer stadium.. The taliban standing over her with his weapon pointed at her head. That was typical taliban negotiating..She lost her life. A brutal way to die. But Jack thinks he could do better.. I say, we've got to stay the course.
People like Jack and his ilk would do well to just mind their own business, and leave matters of importance to those capable of responding to them..I'm sure there has to be a tree to save or a suicide to assist out there somewhere?

Monday, September 11, 2006

Ahhh .. when it was new.

First time for anything..

Hear ye, hear ye.. I am here to speculate, indicate, procrastinate, incite, argue, disect: to muse and to ponder. Stay tuned. We have only just begun.