Monday, November 12, 2012

A mischievous teen ager

If anything is sacred, the human body is sacred.
༺♥༻ Walt Whitman ╰დ╮❤╭დ╯
Teach me how to trust my heart ~ 
my mind,
my intuition,
my inner knowing,
the senses of my body,
the blessings of my spirit.
Teach me to trust these things,
so that I may enter my sacred space
and love beyond my fear.
And thus walk in balance
with the passing of each glorious sun.
༺♥༻ Lakota Prayer ╰დ╮❤╭დ╯

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A cold wind cut through me... It chilled my frightened soul... like an evil thing that knew me... A beast who sought control. Then white light poured around me... drowning the witching spell... I gave thanks the moon had found me, and sent the demon back to hell...

(Excerpt from a poem 'Moon Cloud' by Carl Johnson)

Saturday, November 03, 2012

I think that when our Divine Creator chose the way to begin life , His infinite genius made things so complex and yet so methodical and orderly that all things were interlaced with all things. Life begins as a result of an interaction in all living things ; and when we search for meaning , the answer is never very far , when you open your mind and  let it find you. The beauty of all things created by God  is there for you and your soul  to behold and witness.  On the times when you don’t see it you lose a bit of yourself.But its always there  for you to take  back.

When we were given our station in this magnificent world , we were gave all the amenities , the resources and intelligence to sustain our selves and to prosper. What He chose not to give was immortality.  How we lived and reacted with our fellow man determined how long we had before He called you home.  He gave us clues and brilliant minds to find all the cures for all the ills that befall us as we travel through our life. Many are still out there to discover .All the comforts we have were destined to be found.. But there was never a guarantee He would see you through to a magic number that was meant just for you .  A lifetime can be any amount of time. but never infinite.  

So when my Brother in law Stan passed away, I dare not call it pre ordained , but rather on the frailties of our bodies . life can be so very fragile that when it stumbles because of a weak heart
and there is no one there to try and keep life sustained ,the soul must move on to the next stage
of its intended path. Stan was a good man and he will rest in peace of that I am sure. His place
beyond this mortal earth is full of peace and goodness. May God take him and give him his place in heaven..