Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Too wierd

When I'm confident I'm relaxed. If I'm not sure I pace and visualize the future. Are all the necessary steps in place just in case. Will timing allow it?  Today I'm pacing.  An unfamiliar face wearing whites walks in.

We exchange greetings and he sits down and lets me in  on the lowdown. Those two spots are still there, but they don't seem to be doing anything. We know they're new and we think we know what they are, but it's not uncommon for some types of cancer to kind of just plug along. Too small to biopsy and even if he went in to remove them he might lose his way and not even find them.  

A familiar face walks in .  Dr Elijah Dixon, says let him know if any symptoms appear. Meanwhile we'll just sit tight for awhile and see what these two potential threats do.. I think I'm good with that .  A little breathing space is good. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Early morning for me tomorrow. MRI at the Foothills at 7:00 am on Thursday. It's tedious , when your mind is working on high gear with all the possible outcomes for the near future. Everything that hurts is magnified and brings on unwanted stress. My bp hasn't been normal for weeks. Every morning I like to think it's all good. maybe tomorrow but not today.

Well, at least it's done. Couldn't have been more than half an hour. IV stung a little, but sometimes thats how it goes. Some nurses do it by feel and they usually are the best. Breath in, Breath out..Breath in, Breath out..Stop Breathing. I think its harder to not breath than to hold your breath
like you usually do during a CT scan. Now I wait until next week when I see the surgeon after he gets the results. Mixed feelings about what he might say, but at least I'll know.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


The psalmist knew that “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork”(Psalm 19:1) and God’s “eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” (Rom 1:20).

When the non believers say , well it started with a Big Bang ??  Surely we have someone in our humanity that will judge this tidbit of creative genius and think , perhaps aloud ?  Should there be something before this that might be inclined to blow up.  Or can an explosion come from nothing. 
Rest assured, that's not how it happened.  Our world evolved over billions of years. An unfathomable span of time to some.  To others , just the blink of an eye. 

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Up early tomorrow. A glass of water at five, six and seven o'clock.  Ultrasound on my liver at 9:00 am.  Going to be a stressful day.

Monday, March 16, 2015


10 Reasons Pisces Are The Most Difficult People To Understand

Ilia Jones
As a Pisces, I can tell you pretty confidently that we’re a pretty tough group to read.
Don’t get your panties in a bunch, though — I love myself and all my fellow Piscean friends, but you have to admit, you either have no idea what’s going on in your Pisces-friend’s head, or you are the Pisces who constantly feels misunderstood.
Well, I have good news! You’re not alone, and you can thank your sun sign for all that confusion.
Here are 10 reasons why no one understands a Pisces, and why that is totally okay:

1. Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac.

Being that Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, those born under this sign have a mix of characteristics from all the eleven preceding signs.
This means that Pisces are somewhat at a constant battle in choosing how to feel and that non-Pisces have an extra hard time figuring out how one feels.
Pisces are pretty indecisive, even with the silliest of decisions. However, they are also very open-minded. A Pisces is the friend who always says yes, even if it means he or she has to cancel later (guilty).
This battle of characteristics force Pisces to think before feeling. Yes, Pisces can be quite impulsive, but they think before they act first even if it doesn’t seem so.
Being this way means they are always willing to try new things at least once.

2. Pisces are always seeking new experiences.

Pisces are constantly looking for new things, but don’t let this offend you; they are most happy when they have someone along side them, experiencing these new things as well.
A Pisces would most successfully be in a relationship with someone who is just as stir crazy and up for anything.
If a Pisces feels trapped, he or she will most likely revert to his or her impulsive side and jump at the first opportunity for change.

3. They are compassionate and charitable.

Did anyone else cry while watching the new GE commercial? I did.
It can seem like a Pisces’ compassion even for strangers is a little over the top, especially in this world. But, it really is a good thing and it’s totally genuine. When you need someone to be compassionate with you, you’ve got it.

4. They have trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy.

Pisces are, at heart, dreamers. Jupiter and Neptune, the latter of which represents illusions, rule them.
Pisces shift from goal to goal and sometimes, those goals may seem impossible. To a Pisces though, the goals are as close to reality as it gets. Silly fishes.

5. Empathy rules.

Pisces are extremely empathetic. Sometimes, they place another’s emotions over their own, and this can be chaotic because they are then left to fester in their own ignored emotions.
This is also great because if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or genuine advice, a Pisces will selflessly give it.

6. They can only think straight when they’re alone.

Locking yourself in your room for an hour usually means something is wrong, right? Not necessarily for Pisces. If they are socializing 24/7, they are probably on autopilot.
A Pisces needs to take time to him or herself to gather thoughts and feel productive.

7. They are inherently introverted.

This basically means that they are always trying to surround themselves with new people, but they don’t know when those people switch from new people to actual friends.
A Pisces finds it difficult to be his or her full self around people to whom he or she doesn’t feel close.
This can come off as fake or closed off, but in reality, it is most attributed to a Pisces’ innate curiosity about other people’s lives and stories. Excuse Pisces and their many questions.

8. They accept literally everyone.

This has gotten me, personally, in a bit of trouble. A Pisces assumes the best in all people. In fact, it was probably a Pisces who coined, “innocent until proven guilty.”
A Pisces-hosted party is an interesting sight — people of all walks of life are welcome, as far as a Pisces is concerned.

9. They’re a little oversensitive.

And by a little, I mean a lot. Words cut deep with Pisces, so this might be why your Piscean friend hasn’t been as chatty lately.
Be careful with your words and be honest with how you feel because Pisces are also sensitive to others’ emotions. If you’re feeling stressed, a Pisces can feel it. Trust me.

10. They need role models.

… And they look for it in everyone. If you feel like a Pisces looks up to you, it’s probably because one does.
Without a role model, a Pisces feels lost and usually can’t decide what his or her next goal or step should be.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Having used the Alberta Health Care System over the last fourteen years I do indeed have a

perspective on my experience.


In 2005 I was was diagnosed with inoperable Lung cancer. Taking direction and advise from 

Dr Column Smith and with the help of Dr Bebb, I was successful in eradicating the tumour

after participating in a clinical trial that no doubt saved my life. The Baker Cancer center is

an Oasis of hope.


In 2011 My second battle with cancer ( Pancreatic) was waged and defeated by the skilled hands of 

Dr Elijah Dixon. Even though the cancer was rare ( one in a hundred thousand) he removed the

tumour and made it possible for me to carry on the fight. ( seventy five days on the 10th floor)

I could never repay the care I received from so many.


Then in 2013 I was taken to the Foothills by ambulance after suffering a heart attack. Once

again those skilled hands in ER saved my life by repairing blood vessels with stents. The follow

through with Dr Spencer my cardiologist was exemplary. 


From my family Doc to all the nurses that have helped me along the way , I cant say enough

about Alberta health and my  experience with all involved. In any other country, I'm not so

sure my outcome would been have quite so fortunate. If I can help in any way by reassuring

anyone who is in doubt about what they can expect from our health Care system, be glad to.