Saturday, October 31, 2009

listen up people

1. To say that 30% of doctors would not take the vaccine also means that 70% would. So the majority of the better informed would take it. And to consider nurses “Industry specialists” is ridiculous.
2. People need to stop freaking out against Pharma companies, it’s cliché and stupid. Because they make money from this, it’s an immediate conspiracy. If they didn’t make money from it, ask doctors what the world would be like if “non-profit” organizations created drugs or remedies. It would be laughable.
3. Stop calling Reasonable explanations for the concerns “Propaganda”. Again. It’s getting ridiculous when people would rather quote a random doctor here and there, and believe their minority opinion, over the opinion of the majority of scientists and experts. People are HUGE on believing “conspiracies” with the government and pharma companies. There’s even this Finnish doctor who believes it’s part of a master plan to eliminate 5 billion people in the world. Very sad.
4. Why all the hype over H1N1? Because its behavior mimics the spanish flu from the early 1900s. A 3rd of the world’s population was infected, and 50 to 100 million people had died. The first strain wasn’t that harmful, (like H1N1), but the mutated version that came back in the fall was the killer. Keep in mind there was way less travel back then and less population to allow this to propagate so fast. The equivalent number today would be 400 million deaths.
5. Virus was made in a lab. right. Please people… Stuff like this HAPPENS. It’s happened before, it was going to eventually happen again. A flu strain just friggin’ happens.
6. Adverse side effect, even serious ones, happen in almost all drugs or vaccines. Including Acetaminophen. (tylenol). It’s always about the greater good. You have to balance out what is more important. the 0.0001% risk of GBS, or the 7% risk of dying of a flu. (If H1N1 reacts like the spanish flu).
7. Freaking out over thimerosol right now specifically because of the H1N1 flu is pretty ridiculous as it is in most vaccines. This isn’t a specific H1N1 thing.

Btw people, quoting an article that shows 1 person who gets a Serious side effect to a drug or vaccine, doesn’t show the 80000 people who didn’t. And it’s hard to count the amount of people’s live it saved. We only see the 1 life it took or altered. Remember that. Let’s see a list of names of all the women who have died from Cervical cancer. c’mon.. bring ‘em up.

The fact that Pharma companies make money from this doesn’t change the need for the vaccine. We’re not angry at Natural food stores for selling Vitamin C do we? Or grocery stores for selling food.

Getting informed isn’t to look for more anti-vaccine crap. It’s to look for explanation. There’s still a bunch of people who believe Vaccines don’t work at all. Despite all these diseases almost being completely wiped from the earth. People who are anti vaccine seem to only want to believe what IS anti-vaccine. They don’t look at the billion lives it has proven to have saved as of yet, they’d rather look at the (small amount) of lives they BELIEVE (and unproven) to have negatively altered. And cling to sob stories about moms who have autistic children.

Autism.. btw way.. isn’t linked to Vaccines. Scientifically speaking. it’s not hidden, it’s not a conspiracy… it just isn’t linked. Kids develop autism during the same time period where vaccines are also introduced. it’s very rhetorical, but it’s all it is. It’s not to say Autism is something to be taken lightly, nor should we not sympathize with any parent that has an autistic child. But the reaction shouldn’t be to angrily BLAME vaccines when there’s no PROPER study that proves it. Work on funding research on how a kid gets it, or hell, a study that properly proves it’s the vaccine. Because there ARE studies that prove that it has saved probably a billion lives since they’ve existed. The autistic argument is far more emotional than scientific. (unless you quote a quack that decides that all the research already done is wrong…).

Stop saying you don’t trust the source of an article when it defends vaccines, but easily believe any hack that is anti-vaccine. Getting informed is not to try strengthen what side you’re on

a lot if what you need to know